Dr. Gustafson’s education and experience have equipped him well to assist his clients with their challenges in at least four domains:  Marital and Family Issues; Trauma Recovery and Resilience; Mediation and Conflict Resolution; Complicated Criminal Justice Issues. 


Marital and Family Counselling

+ Recovering & Rebuilding after an extramarital affair

+ Communication Skill Building, Mediation & Conflict Resolution

+ Strategies for conflict resolution, goal setting, and reconciliation of relationships

+ Contextual therapy for family peacebuilding and ending relationship estrangements

And, when it has become clear relationships MUST end: negotiating lasting and amicable agreements governing separation, divorce, and child custody, assisting spouses and children in a gentler path through some of life’s most difficult straits.


Trauma Recovery, Resilience, and Growth in the Aftermath of Trauma

Traumatic experiences can shake and even shatter one’s systems of meaning and belief, with life-threatening incidents or exposure to macabre death often resulting in long-term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

This is frequently the struggle for first responders (police, firefighters, paramedics) and for victims of violent crime. 

But with the appropriate assistance, sufferers need not stay stuck.  In fact, research shows that with professional support resilience can be achieved, resulting in post-traumatic growth and recovery.


Complicated Criminal Justice System Issues

+ Healing approaches as an alternative for adult women and men who make informed choices NOT to employ Criminal Justice Systems in the aftermath of sexual assault or historic sexual abuse, including harassment or unwanted intrusion.

+ Assessment, treatment and professional reports for both trauma survivors and accused.



For over 30 years, Dave has been writing curriculum and training others to deliver services in each of the domains that are his specialties.  Training can be crafted to meet a variety of needs.  Please contact to discuss how we might shape something together that would meet your specific training needs.